Saturday, October 19, 2013

GOP takes massive loses to gain the Tea Party a microscopic gain

The government shutdown showdown was a colossal loss for the GOP according to all credible sources. But there might have been a very small bump in the polls for some Tea Party candidates in their home districts for their David vs Goliath  Bambi vs Godzilla tactics in recent weeks.

Tea Party pundits are lauding over the poll bumps as a victory for the little people. The only problem with that logic is that the gains were all in districts were the Tea Party and/or GOP were already solidly in the majority and in no danger of losing an election to a Democrat.

So why is the Tea Party so excited about these gains? Because it means in many of those districts the Tea Party is that much more likely to be able to take seats away from non-Tea Party republicans.

The Showdown was not about overthrowing Obamacare or the Democratic party or even the Presidency. It was about overthrowing the Republican party. And it seems to have worked.

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