The United States government is shutdown. Soon it's debt will be in default.
How did we get here? It's quite simple. The Tea Party.
The Tea Party are not politicians. Politicians negotiate.
The Tea Party are not Statesmen. Statesmen try to do what's right for the greater good.
The Tea Party are not strategists. Strategists have a way out.
So what are the members of the Tea Party? They are terrorists.
They are trying to destroy America and it's Government. They simply do not want the United States Government to survive this crisis. The wanted the government shut down. They want the United States to default on it's debt. Why?
Their wealthy backers want the government out of the way so they can grab more, if not total, power over the United States and it's people.
How do I know this? Well let's look at the events of the past few weeks. Actually let's go back a bit further to the 2008 Presidential election. The Republican party lost the office to a very popular liberal with ties to big business and planed to bring equality to the American people's wildly unequal health care system. He would also reign in big businesses that regularly damage the environment and funnel money away from working families and into their own coffers. He planed to allow tax loopholes put in place by the previous administration lapse so the super wealthy did not pay less of a percentage in taxes than struggling lower income families and he planned to make sure regulatory branches of the government were funded well enough to avoid such disasters as the massive deep water horizon oil spill in the gulf of Mexico that poured 4.2 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean every day for 87 days. That's about 21 times more than the Exxon Valdez spilled into the Pacific.
Surely a man with goals like these and the means to achieve them could not be allowed to do so. And thus the Tea Party was born. It's biggest two founders? The Koch brother's. Two of the world's wealthiest mean with companies that would have to clean up their acts if President Obama was not dealt with.
Their strategy? First take the state legislatures in as many blue states with liberal districts as they can. Why? Because the States get to redraw congressional districts every 10 years after the census and 2010 was fast approaching.
Second, take the majority of seats in the House of Representatives.
Third, make a demand that the democratic party and the President would never be able to agree on. They got the perfect ammunition in 2010 when the House and Senate passed the Affordable Healthcare act and the President signed it into law and the Supreme Court of the United States said it was constitutional.
No rational person, let alone a seasoned representative of the people would agree to undo a law that would bring healthcare to millions of people who desperately need it in exchange for not destroying the economy of the United States and many other countries around the world.
That would be exactly like bowing to a terrorist threat. The United States government doesn't do that. It would be catastrophic in both the short and long terms.
So...Why redraw the congressional districts? Because if you have a strong democratic district surrounded by heavily conservative districts, you can split the democratic district in two or three or even four sections and blend the smaller parts into the larger conservative districts instantly changing the voting outcome of the next election.
For example. Let's say you have a state with 7 congressional districts. 5 of them are heavily conservative and 2 of them heavily democratic. Let's say that the 5 conservative districts each have 100,000 conservative voters and only 20,000 democratic voters and each democratic district has 100,000 democrats and 20,000 conservatives.
If you redraw the lines splitting each of those 2 democratic districts in half and merging each half with the conservative districts to evenly spread out democratic voters you end up with 7 districts the each have around 114,000 conservative voters and 42,000 democratic voters. this means that the two house seats in this state previously held by democrats will now easily go republican in every future election for at least a generation. The State goes from being 5 republicans and 2 democrats in the House to 7 republicans.
That's how the Republican party and about 30 Tea Party candidates took the house in 2012. Firmly accomplishing step 2 of the plan to destroy America.
Now that they control the majority of the house they control the agenda in the house. No bill can be brought up for a vote without the Speaker of the House making it happen. They don't have a two thirds majority. So they can not override the President should he veto an unpopular bill, but they have another very powerful tool at their disposal. The ability to prevent ANY bill they do not like from ever coming to a vote.
And so that brings us to step 3. Pick a topic the other side could not negotiate on and then require them to negotiate under threat of a government shutdown and a default on America's debt.
And they had their strategy in place months in advance. They initially tried to do it in March of 2013, but cooler heads among the Republican party's more experience members kept it from being realized. But as the October 1st deadline approached, Congressman Cruz from Texas forced the leadership's hand and publicly announced the Republican party would not vote to fund the United States government unless a single concession was met. Defund Obamacare.
And so they attached a bill to the budget defunding Obamacare, knowing full well no sane politician in the Senate would allow that attachment to remain. And so it went. Back and forth from House to Senate. The House Republicans using their slim majority to attach a bill to the budget that defunded the healthcare for millions of Americans and the Senate removing the attachment and sending it back to the House telling them to pass the Continuing Resolution clean as it the job of the House of Representatives.
But this is, of course, exactly what the Tea Party wanted. They would not stop making an impossible demand on the democratic party all the while screaming to the press that they just want to negotiate on Obamacare.
Well here is the crazy part of their argument. There were negotiations on Obamacare. in 2009,2010,2011,2012 and 2013. There were also concessions on Obamacare by the democrats. They did not get the bill they wanted. They got a compromised bill both sides agreed they could live with. Both sides voted on it. A straight Yes or No vote without any partisan attachments. It passed in both the House and the Senate. It was signed into Law and it was judged constitutional by the highest court in the land.
So when the Tea Party says that the President and the Democrats won't negotiate, it's an insane argument. What they really mean is that the President won't abandon the health care plan entirely. Nor should he. It was passed by non-partisan vote and signed into law in full, to the letter, accordance with the constitution of the United States.
But the democrats and the President both have said they are willing to talk about Obamacare. That they are willing to talk about ANYTHING the Republican party wants. But not with a gun to their head. That's not the way our government is run.
But this is how the Tea Party is run.
And this is what the Tea Party and their wealthy backers want. In about 9 more days the United States will for the first time in History, not pay it's creditors. The value of the U.S. dollar will plummet, the interest the United States pays to it's creditors will skyrocket and our country will be thrown into another Depression like what took place in the 1920's. Millions will be without work, healthcare, food and housing. Crime will increase at an exponential rate and all the while the wealthiest among us will get more wealthy.
Make no mistake. The Tea Party is here to bring down our country and replace it with a feudal system of super wealthy owners and impoverished servants.
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