Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rookie Senator Ted Cruz holds up FCC nomination

Ted Wheeler is an infinitely qualified candidate for Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. But in a not so surprising move, The rookie Senator from Texas placed a hold on his nomination out of fear that Wheeler supports a policy to require campaign adds to include information on who is paying for them.
Something the GOP and Tea Party hard liners are adamantly against.

Of course they are against it. Unlike many Democratic candidates, including our current President, who's money comes mostly from large quantities of small donors spread among all demographics, the GOP and especially the Tea Party candidates receive the vast majority of their campaign contributions from a much narrower spectrum of wealthy donors and Super PACs. And they don't want the American public and, more importantly the voters,  to know that much less hear about it any time they see a campaign add funded almost exclusively by a few super wealthy backers.

If voters did get this information they would almost certainly begin to put together the fact that the Tea Party is not the party of the people, but they party of the super wealthy. And the super wealthy donors, Like Charles and David Koch, don't want their names plastered on every add they fund. That would lead to the Tea Party supporters realizing they are not supporting a grass roots movement, but rather a new world order with an American royal class at the top and the vast majority of us at the bottom.

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